REPOXYBLE reaches half its lifespan: a week full of activities

Activities are in full swing as we are halfway through REPOXYBLE


Last week was a very important one for us at REPOXYBLE, with four days of meetings, events, and networking.


We started the 4th of June with our internal meeting for the 18th month of the project: we reached the middle of our journey!

We took stock of our progress and prepared the activities of the coming months, also in view of the next biannual meeting.


On Wednesday 5th we held our mid-term review meeting with our Project Officer from the European Commission, deepening the discussion of the previous day.
We are thrilled to meet this milestone with promising results and an exciting work plan for the second half of the project.


Then, the 6th our team was at the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) workshop Efficient, Lightweight, Sustainable Advanced Materials – Supporting EU industries to meet the Green Deal targets.

REPOXYBLE was presented alongside many of our sister projects and related projects, all working to achieve significant reductions in carbon footprint and advance towards a circular economy: a crucial goal for the EU industry.
It was great exiting to explore synergies and share challenges related to advanced composite materials, multifunctionality, recycling methodologies and how we can all contribute to achieving substantial CO2 emissions reductions and a net-zero future in the EU.


And in conclusion, Friday 7th we held our first Open Innovation Workshop!

This was a great achievement, with presentations from five sister projects, the participation of mor than 50 stakeholders, and a fruitful discussion on processes and methods for recycling, reuse, and recovery of advanced composite materials in the transport sector.

Discover the workshop results here.